Smart Account Cable Billing software is a great online and ofline based billing and accounting software for cable TV operator or ISP Company. Please check the some feature list of this software. We customized as per customer requirement.
Smart Account is a most user friendly Account Management Software in Bangladesh. This Account Software is Online Offline Software. This a Browser based Solution which combines Multi-user Account System, Responsive user Interface, Accounting anytime, anywhere, powerful reporting, easy to Customization, Customization Report etc. Simple, easy-to-use cloud accounting software to help you manage your business, the smart way!
Smart Software Provide ISP Billing Software is a premier Radius Billing, CRM & Trouble Ticketing, Accounting, Inventory. This ISP Billing software framework created for Internet Service Providers, Any size of ISP can use this software to convert their ISP operation in Automation System connecting with Mikrotik Administration.
We Build Custom Software for Your Business Need! We work with you to ensure zero error, on-time delivery.
You can Create & Print Customer Invoice Automatic or Bill Generat system to easy way.
Project-wise Accounts Management, Receivables & Payables Entry, Due Payment, Balance Transference to other account, Account wise Monthly-Yearly Report etc.
Employ Information, Employee Pay clip Generate, Employee Advance Payment, Advance Adjustment, Report, SMS Communication.
Admin Can Generat Bill in Advance Through Bill Generat system in One click & Pring Invoice Bill or Mony Recipit.a
Customer ledger, Expenses report head, sub head wise custom date, Accounts report, Due report, Advance report, Line Man & Area Wise Collection Report. All type Report are ready to one Click.
SMS & e-Mail Send Facility there in Software, Organization can send SMS to Client, by the selecting in system all Member/ Client one by one or at once & out of database.
Package Name | Installation Cost | Monthly Service & Server Cost | Order Now |
P1: Cable & ISP Billing | 10,000 TK | 1000 TK/Monthly | Order Now |
P2: Cable & ISP Billing | 30,000 TK | 6000 TK/Yearly | Order Now |
Monthly Service and Server Cost include software subscription cost, online cloud server cost, dedicated support team cost, Unlimited tele & live chat support.